
The Scandinavian Neuropathological Society (SNS) was founded by a small group of persons interested in clinical and experimental neuropathology. It took place at a meeting at Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark on January 23. 1965.  The idea to start a society of neuropathology originated chiefly from Erna Christensen and Edith Reske Nielsen, Denmark, Patrick Sourander, Sweden and Aagot Christie Löken, Norway.

At the third meeting in Oslo, Norway in January 1967 it was decided that the Society should join the International Society of Neuropathology (ISN). In year 1994 the SNS joined the European Confederation of Neuropathological Societies (EURO-CNS). Since 1996 English is the official language of the Society.

Over the years the SNS has had annual meetings in different Scandinavian cities. Joint meeting have been organized with other European neuropathological societies like the British, German, Italian and Polish societies of neuropathology.

In 1986 the Scandinavian Neuropathological Society hosted the Xth International Congress of Neuropathology. This meeting took place in Stockholm, Sweden with Dr Patrick Sourander as President of the congress. In 2002 our Society hosted the Euro-CNS meeting in Helsinki, Finland with Dr Matti Haltia and Dr Hannu Kalimo as chief organizers. The Society also organizes the Northern Lights Neuroscience Symposia.

Yngve Olsson